Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"Candide" --- > "Don Quixote"

After Reading “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes and “Candide” by Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire, I find myself interested in “Don Quixote” more. Between the two stories that were read last week and then discussed in class I can vison Cervantes writing much more vividly then Voltaire’s. Cervantes overall voice spoken through the narrator gives insight to the life of Don Quixote and allows us to see what Don Quixote sees along with what it truly looks like. 


Seeing a wealthier older gentleman live out a fantasy in his own life that he creates through his insanity of “reading too much” places a whole new twist on literature for myself. The very idea of insanity coming from reading to much, as well as seeing the metafiction produced in the reading of “Don Quixote” creates a whole new world of reading between the lines in someone else work. For example with the metafiction blatantly given to us by the active voice of the narrator, we see a rundown inn with prostitutes hanging out front.  In the eyes of the main character Don Quixote we see an astonished knight ride up to a gorgeous castle flowing with beautiful ladies. In the mind of anyone who can envision this scene can see the two different views and can clearly tell the full craziness of Don Quixote in his mid-life crisis. 


After reading “Don Quixote” and writing about censorship and the possibilities of what reading too much of one genre may possibly do to someone’s mind is something I would have never given thought to before. Lots of people talk about video games, movies and what television may do to your mind but never have I thought of reading to fall into the category of causing insanity. Cervantes work is most definitely thought provoking.

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